Social Media Marketing

Social Media Marketing
Social Media Marketing or viral marketing is the process of marketing via social networking platforms and online communities such as facebook, youtube, twitter, blogs, forums, etc… This can be done in many ways from placing an ad to creating a fan page, where these online communities can share your page amongst their networks.

Advantages of using social media marketing
– Cost effective and can spread very quickly
– If setup correctly they can manage themselves
– It is a great way for you to retain and inform your existing members and audiences

Because of the above, more and more sites are incorporating social media functions to their websites by:

– Adding share/like icons on your site for one or many of the social network sites (e.g. Facebook, Twitter, Youtube, etc…) and link them to your respective pages or feeds
– Customize your social media network page, for example making a custom look for your Facebook group page so that it stand out from the rest and helps you build stronger brand image
– Provide consultation, suggesting the suitable and popular social network sites relevant to your website